I am a stock trader and entrepreneur who is passionate about empowering women to succeed in the financial industry. As a first generation Mexican American with a fierce drive and compassionate heart, I have dedicated the last two years to helping women educate themselves in the world of trading and investing. With over 15 years of experience in the financial industry, I strive to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my work as a mentor and motivator. I am also an aspiring actress, writer, and author, and am currently working on my first book, which is dedicated to the strong women in my family's lineage. When I'm not busy with these fun projects, I enjoy leading educational retreats for women and working to make financial education more accessible to first-generation low-income youth.

As a woman in the stock market, I know firsthand how intimidating it can feel to get started. That's exactly why I created my program - I want to provide a safe and welcoming space for women to tackle this important skill, whether they want to become traders themselves or just want to understand investing and the stock market.

I'm dedicated to demystifying the trading process and sharing relatable insights and strategies.

I'm here to support you every step of the way, so don't be afraid to ask questions or share your own.

Trading the “Feminine Way” begins with community.

From the moment we engage, we are partners, we are colleagues, we are members of the same female tribe navigating a financial space which has been historically dominated by the male narrative.

My purpose and overall goal with the Financially Fierce platform is to empower women, all women, from the stay-at-home mom, the career-driven business woman, the corporate employee or the entrepreneur, to explore the financial world and participate in the opportunities that are present within that space.

The “Feminine Way” isn’t about ego, it isn’t about image, it isn’t about status or attempting to fit into a mold that doesn’t align with who you are fundamentally.

Its about growth. Its about knowledge. Its about learning to trust yourself and the decisions you make by way of the tools and training you have exposed yourself to and embraced.

Trading the “Feminine Way” is about discovering the courage within you to uplift your financial pursuits and gains in your own unique individualistic way, on your own unique individualistic terms, all while being Fierce.

The path to financial freedom starts with knowledge.

  • Financially Fierce: A Course on Stock Trading

    This 8-week online course is recommended for women who are interested in empowering and educating themselves about investing and trading in the stock market.

  • 1:1 Financially Fierce Mentorship

    With increased 1:1 sessions and guided navigation of the trading platform, your opportunity for growth is maximized by having course mentorship completely tailored to you.

  • Financially Fierce: Live Events

    In-person workshops and retreats.

The Mentorship

  • Online course

    Access to online portal to complete weekly modules at your own pace.

  • Live Zoom Meetups

    Participate in weekly live Q&A sessions on Zoom where we will discuss weekly modules and material.

  • Interactive Live Paper Trading

    Interactive live paper trading sessions to learn to follow the market as it unfolds.

  • Community

    Connect with other members in our community chat for ongoing support and discussion.